A History of the Strategic Implications of the Great Recession and Its Aftermath on U.S. National Defense (Paperback)
作者: Stephanie Young 
書城編號: 26279306

售價: $440.00

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出版社: Rand Corp
出版日期: 2023/06/15
重量: 0.38 kg
ISBN: 9781977410351


In this history of the effects of the Great Recession and a national focus on deficit reduction on U.S. DoD decisionmaking, the authors detail a concurrent shift in strategic focus from a decade of counterterrorism operations toward possible future near-peer conflict. They examine DoD's efforts to manage resource constraints while maintaining its ability to meet changing security demands in a dynamic threat environment.

Stephanie Young 作者作品表

Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution in Comparative Organizations: Additional Case Studies of Selected Non-Dod Federal Agencies (Paperback)

Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution in Comparative Organizations: Executive Summary for Additional Case Studies (Paperback)

Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution in Comparative Organizations: Additional Case Studies of Selected Allied and Partner Nations (Paperbac

A History of the Strategic Implications of the Great Recession and Its Aftermath on U.S. National Defense (Paperback)

eBook: Kitchen of My Heart (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Pet Sounds (DRM EPUB)

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