The Elephant in the Universe: Our Hundred-Year Search for Dark Matter (MP3 CD)
作者: Govert Schilling 
書城編號: 26279986

原價: HK$420.00
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出版社: Tantor Audio
出版日期: 2022/10/18
ISBN: 9798212312448

When you train a telescope on outer space, you can see luminous galaxies, nebulae, stars, and planets. But if you add all that together, it constitutes only 15 percent of the matter in the universe. Despite decades of research, the nature of the remaining 85 percent is unknown. We call it dark matter. In The Elephant in the Universe, Govert Schilling explores the fascinating history of the search for dark matter. Evidence for its existence comes from a wealth of astronomical observations. Theories and computer simulations of the evolution of the universe are also suggestive: they can be reconciled with astronomical measurements only if dark matter is a dominant component of nature. Physicists have devised huge, sensitive instruments to search for dark matter, which may be unlike anything else in the cosmos--some unknown elementary particle. Yet so far dark matter has escaped every experiment. Indeed, dark matter is so elusive that some scientists are beginning to suspect there might be something wrong with our theories about gravity or with the current paradigms of cosmology. Schilling interviews both believers and heretics and paints a colorful picture of the history and current status of dark matter research, with astronomers and physicists alike trying to make sense of theory and observation.
Govert Schilling 作者作品表

Target Earth: Meteorites, Asteroids, Comets, and Other Cosmic Intruders That Threaten Our Plan Et (Hardcover)

Deep Space: Beyond the Solar System to the Edge of the Universe and the Beginning of Time (Paperback)

The Astronomy Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Observing and Understanding Stars, Planets, Galaxies, and the Universe (Hardcover)

Galaxies: Birth and Destiny of Our Universe (Paperback)

The Elephant in the Universe: Our Hundred-Year Search for Dark Matter (Compact Disc)

The Elephant in the Universe: Our Hundred-Year Search for Dark Matter (MP3 CD)

Galaxies: The Origins and Destiny of Our Universe (Hardcover)

Constellations (Hardcover)

Ripples in Spacetime (Paperback)

Ripples in Spacetime (Hardcover)

Deep Space (Hardcover)

Atlas of Astronomical Discoveries (Hardcover)

eBook: Atlas of Astronomical Discoveries (DRM PDF)

eBook: Hunt for Planet X: New Worlds and the Fate of Pluto (DRM PDF)

Eyes on the Skies (Hardcover)

Hunt for Planet X (Hardcover)

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