Shakespare in Culture
書城編號: 262804

原價: HK$200.00
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出版社: 國立臺灣大學出版中心
出版日期: 2012/04/01
ISBN: 9789860320749


Shakespeare, as well as the reading, translating, teaching, criticizing, performing, and adapting of Shakespeare, does not exist outside culture. Culture in its many varieties not only informs the Shakespearean corpus, productions, and scholarship, but is also reciprocally shaped by them. Culture never remains stable, but constantly evolves, travels, procreates, blends, and mutates; no less incessantly, the understanding and rewriting of Shakespeare fluctuates. The relations between Shakespeare and culture thus comprise a dynamic flux which calls for examination and reexamination. It is this rich and even labyrinthine network of meanings—intercultural, intertextual, and intergeneric—that this volume intends to explicate. The essays collected here, most of them first presented at the Fourth Conference of the National Taiwan University Shakespeare Forum held in Taipei in 2009, cover a wide range of topics—religion, philosophy, history, aesthetics, as well as politics—and thereby illustrate how fruitfully complex the topic of cultural interchange can be.


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