From Ibn Sina to Sindbad: A Guided Reader to Classics of Arabic Literature (Paperback)
作者: David Dimeo 
分類: Language acquisition ,
Language teaching & learning (other than ELT) ,
Language readers ,
書城編號: 26285904

售價: $504.00

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出版社: Amer Univ In Cairo Pr
出版日期: 2023/09/05
ISBN: 9781649031730
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A unique textbook of guided readings from the great works of Arabic prose for advanced level students of Classical Arabic literature

From Ibn Sina to Sindbad
makes some of the greatest works of the Golden Age of Arab Civilization accessible to Arabic students at the mid- to high-advanced level of proficiency, while also providing a ready curriculum for teachers of Advanced Arabic.

It introduces students to classical Arabic literature through twenty guided readings of works spanning prose genres from travel writing to philosophy, science, religion, humor, and imaginative fiction, including texts by al-Jahiz, al-Kindi, Ibn Khaldun, and Ibn Rushd. Original texts are supplemented with supporting explanatory material, to make them accessible to students, who then progress through an extensive series of exercises to test their comprehension, develop interpretive and critical reading skills, and apply the linguistic structures to their own speaking and writing.

Each of the twenty lessons is designed to stand alone for classroom use or individual study, making this a valuable resource for students and teachers alike.

David Dimeo 作者作品表

The Structure of Arabic: A Workbook in the Ten Measures (Paperback)

The Structure of Arabic: A Workbook in the Ten Measures (Hardcover)

From Ibn Sina to Sindbad: A Guided Reader to Classics of Arabic Literature (Paperback)

eBook: Taha Hussein's The Days: A Guided Study for Arabic Learners (DRM PDF)

Committed to Disillusion (Hardcover)

eBook: Committed to Disillusion: Activist Writers in Egypt from the 1950s to the 1980s (DRM PDF)

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