In a vast world of mainstream and alternative health approaches, how do we practice the best medicine for Earth and her inhabitants? Does the scientific method, developed in the 17th century, provide relevant and effective knowledge for us in the 21st century? Do so-called objective, scientific experiments really lead to us to the full truth about health and life? Perhaps there's another science, a higher order science, that integrates spirit, mind, body, Earth, and all of Nature in a more authentic and truthful way. Given the challenges Mother Earth faces now, it's high time for a superior science that provides healing wisdom for humans as well as our sacred planet as we transition to the Fifth World.
In Fifth World Medicine: The Science of Healing People and Their Planet, Dr. John Hughes beckons us to explore how we know what we know about a friend, a pet, a tree, or any being in Nature. Dr. Hughes advocates for a return to Aristotle's ultimate, contemplative science in place of the draconian 17th century science that still governs much of modern medicine today. Dr. Hughes argues that by practicing contemplative science and medicine in place of the archaic scientific method, we shall discover greater truths about ourselves and our Mother Earth. Through this contemplative science, we also find an intimacy with Nature and the Creator, the kind of intimacy that characterizes that of traditional Indigenous peoples as well as the medicine and culture of the Fifth World.