The Knights Templar at War, 1120-1312 (Paperback)
作者: Paul Hill 
書城編號: 26290799

原價: HK$290.00
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出版社: Pen & Sword Military
出版日期: 2023/05/31
重量: 0.52 kg
ISBN: 9781399030885

Paul Hill's highly illustrated study explores the military context of the Knights Templar, including their leadership, operation, and fortifications.

There are many books about the Knights Templar, the medieval military order which played a key role in the crusades against the Muslims in the Holy Land, the Iberian peninsula and elsewhere in Europe. What is seldom explored is the military context in which they operated, and that is why Paul Hill's highly illustrated study is so timely, for he focuses on how this military order prosecuted its wars.

The order was founded as a response to attacks on pilgrims in the Holy Land, and it was involved in countless battles and sieges, always at the forefront of crusading warfare. This absorbing study examines why they were such an important aspect of medieval warfare on the frontiers of Christendom for nearly two hundred years.

Paul Hill shows how they were funded and supplied, how they organized their forces on campaign and on the battlefield and the strategies and tactics they employed in the various theaters of warfare in which they fought. Templar leadership, command and control are examined, and sections cover their battles and campaigns, fortifications and castles.
Paul Hill 作者作品表

An introduction to building Python GUIs with PyQt6: Now with PyQt 6.5 (Paperback)

The Knights Templar at War, 1120-1312 (Paperback)

A Gardeners Year Book (Paperback)

A beginner's guide to adding a GUI to your Python programs using Tkinter (Paperback)

The Anglo-Saxons at War: 800-1066 (MP3 CD)

The Anglo-Saxons at War: 800-1066 (Compact Disc)


eBook: Approaching Photography (DRM PDF)

eBook: Approaching Photography (DRM EPUB)

Norman Commanders (Paperback)

eBook: Audio and Speech Processing with MATLAB (DRM PDF)

eBook: Audio and Speech Processing with MATLAB (DRM EPUB)

Dialogue With Photography (Paperback)

Knights Templar at War 1120 -1312 (Hardcover)

eBook: Knights Templar at War, 1120-1312 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Knights Templar at War, 1120-1312 (DRM PDF)

Norman Commanders (Hardcover)

eBook: Norman Commanders: Masters of Warfare, 911-1135 (DRM EPUB)

Anglo-Saxons (Hardcover)

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