Marte Es (Paperback)
作者: Suzanne Slade 
書城編號: 26290941

原價: HK$170.00
現售: HK$161.5 節省: HK$8.5

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出版社: Vista Higher Learning
出版日期: 2023/03/10
重量: 0.2 kg
ISBN: 9781543386004

Suzanne Slade 作者作品表

Unlocking the Universe: The Cosmic Discoveries of the Webb Space Telescope (Hardcover)

The Ocean Blue and You (Hardcover)

Behold the Hummingbird (Hardcover)

Some Days Are Yellow (Hardcover)

Shining Star: Vera Rubin Discovers Dark Matter (Hardcover)

A Plastic Bottle's Journey (Paperback)

A Raindrop's Journey (Paperback)

Dazzlin' Dolly: The Songwriting, Hit-Singing, Guitar-Picking Dolly Parton (MP3 CD)

Dazzlin' Dolly: The Songwriting, Hit-Singing, Guitar-Picking Dolly Parton (Compact Disc)

Behold the Octopus! (Hardcover)

Marte Es (Paperback)

Blast Off!: How Mary Sherman Morgan Fueled America Into Space (MP3 CD)

A Plastic Bottle's Journey (Hardcover)

A Raindrop's Journey (Hardcover)

Exquisite (Hardcover)

Computer Called Katherine (Hardcover)

House That George Built (Hardcover)

Splat!: Wile E. Coyote Experiments with States of Matter (paperback)

Adopted: The Ultimate Teen Guide (Revised) (hardcover)

Basketball (Paperback)

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