Teaching and Learning Shakespeare Through Theatre-Based Practice (Hardcover)
作者: Tracy Irish 
分類: Shakespeare studies & criticism ,
Teaching of a specific subject ,
Educational: drama studies ,
Educational: English literature ,
書城編號: 26295183

售價: $910.00

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出版社: Arden Shakespeare
出版日期: 2024/01/25
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9781350292055


How can the study of Shakespeare contribute to equipping young people for the challenges of an uncertain future?

This book argues for the necessity of a Shakespeare education that: finds meaning in the texts through inviting in the prior knowledge, experiences and ideas of students; combines intellectual, social and emotional learning; and develops a critical perspective on what a cultural inheritance is all about. It offers a comprehensive exploration of the educational principles underpinning theatre-based practice and explains how and why this practice can open up the possibilities of Shakespeare study in the classroom. It empowers Shakespeare educators working with young people aged 5-18 to interact critically, creatively and collaboratively with Shakespeare as a living artist.

Drawing on the authors' research and experience with organizations including the Royal Shakespeare Company, Shakespeare's Globe, the Folger and Coram Shakespeare Schools Foundation, Part One consolidates recent developments in the field and engages in lively dialogue with core questions of Shakespeare's place in the classroom. Part Two curates a series of interviews with leaders and practitioners from the above and other Shakespeare institutions, exploring their core principles and practices. Part Three presents chapters from and about classroom teachers, who share their experiences of successfully embedding theatre-based approaches to Shakespeare in their own diverse contexts.

Tracy Irish 作者作品表

Teaching and Learning Shakespeare Through Theatre-Based Practice (Paperback)

Teaching and Learning Shakespeare Through Theatre-Based Practice (Hardcover)

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