The Short Path to Enlightenment: Instructions for Immediate Awakening (Expanded) (Paperback)
作者: Paul Brunton 
分類: Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice  
書城編號: 26295710

售價: $190.00

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出版社: Larson Pubn Inc
出版日期: 2023/09/01
重量: 0.29 kg
ISBN: 9781936012398

This new, expanded edition brings forward the importance of joy and love and grace in Short Path practice, plus offers additional meditations and teachings to help practitioners realize their goals."Paul Brunton gives voice to the profound teachings of immediate spiritual awakening that have the power to short circuit the seeker in us and reveal the true nature of reality here and now. The true gift of this wonderful book is in how nuanced and subtle Paul Brunton understood these profound and transformational teachings and how directly he conveys them. Read this book as you would a scripture or a sutra and let it open your eyes to eternity." -Adyashanti"The Short Path to Enlightenment is a deeply supportive text from the extraordinary Paul Brunton, the spiritual explorer who first brought knowledge of Ramana Maharishi to the West. In this work, readers receive the invitation and instruction to discover the truth of oneself. This book is alive with supreme knowledge. May it support you in immediately and continually recognizing yourself." -GangajiThese accessible teachings distill the essence of currently popular and traditional sudden-awakening teachings (Advaita, Zen, Dzogchen, etc.). Paul Brunton calls them "Short Path" teachings. A simple recognition, a brief moment of grace, can make what seemed like a far-off spiritual goal actual here and now. But we need reliable pointers for when and how and where to look. Brunton delivers the essence and practices of this path in direct, jargon-free language.Includes: * How to move from the Long Path of spiritual disciplines to the Short Path of direct insight* Short Path exercises* Experiences along the way* Warnings* Stages of realization* Stabilizing the awakening* The nature of lasting enlightenment/the Sage"The Short Path to Enlightenment was my introduction to this great sage. The passages are so profound that I often lose track of time, just sitting with one of them. Cannot recommend PB's books and practices enough. The website is marvelous as well. Thank you."- Kavitha Chinnaiyan, author
Paul Brunton 作者作品表

What Is Karma? (Paperback)

The Short Path to Enlightenment: Instructions for Immediate Awakening (Expanded) (Paperback)

Instructions for Spiritual Living (Paperback)

A Search in Secret India (Paperback)

Gupt Bharat KI Khoj (Paperback)

eBook: Humanity's Spiritual Crisis: Transforming Ourselves to Heal the World (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Humanity's Spiritual Crisis: Transforming Ourselves to Heal the World (DRM PDF)

eBook: Search In Secret India: The classic work on seeking a guru (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Hermit in the Himalayas: The Classic Work of Mystical Quest (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Inner Reality (DRM EPUB)

A Search in Secret Egypt (paperback)

eBook: Search in Secret Egypt (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Realizing Soul: From Intuition to an Inspired Life (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Realizing Soul: From Intuition to an Inspired Life (DRM PDF)

Wisdom of the Overself (Paperback)

eBook: Wisdom of the Overself (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga (DRM EPUB)

Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga (Paperback)

Wisdom of Paul Brunton Day by Day (Hardcover)

eBook: Secret Path (DRM EPUB)

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