How Undocumented Youth Radicalized the Immigrant Rights Move (Paperback)
作者: Young 
分類: Migration, immigration & emigration ,
Social theory ,
Human rights ,
Civil rights & citizenship ,
Political activism ,
書城編號: 26307574

售價: $300.00

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出版社: Oxford Univ Pr
出版日期: 2025/01/01 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9780197608197

DREAMers and the Choreography of Protest chronicles the history of the DREAMers--the term used to describe undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children. Based on interviews with lead activists, extensive archival research, and years of ethnographic study, Michael P. Young details the making of the DREAMer, the early organizing of undocumented youth on college campuses cooperating with nonprofit organizations, and the independent organizing of an online network of radical undocumented youth. Tracing a sequence of escalating protests--from sit-ins to detention center infiltrations and border crossing actions--Young argues that this later network of DREAMer activists pushed the immigrant rights movement away from the elite-driven, insider politics of immigration reform toward radical direct action organized by and for undocumented immigrants. In one of the first accounts of the radical factions of DREAMer activism, Young provides a detailed and engrossing counternarrative of DREAMer history that offers some pragmatic lessons for activists and the allied supporters of social movements.
Young 作者作品表


How Undocumented Youth Radicalized the Immigrant Rights Move (Hardcover)

How Undocumented Youth Radicalized the Immigrant Rights Move (Paperback)

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