Integrating Third-Party Logistics with SAP S/4hana (Hardcover)
作者: Gautam Bhattacharya 
分類: Distribution & warehousing management ,
SAP (Systems, applications & products in databases)  
書城編號: 26310283

原價: HK$1000.00
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出版社: Sap Pr
出版日期: 2023/09/26
ISBN: 9781493224463


Working with external partners for logistics operations? Set up seamless communication between your systems using this all-in-one handbook! Start with an overview of third-party logistics and learn how to design the best landscape for your business model. Then follow click-by-click instructions for connecting SAP S/4HANA with your 3PL vendors. Configure settings for goods movement, inventory management, shipping, delivery, and batch management. Learn how to set up relevant master data, map warehousing in your system, exchange data through middleware, and more!

Highlights include:
1) Master data
2) Packaging and traceability
3) Shipping and delivery
4) Inventory management
5) Warehousing
6) Transportation
7) Application link enabling (ALE)
8) IDocs
9) Business Rules Framework plus (BRFplus)
10) Data monitoring
11) Direct connectivity and middleware

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