The New Switcheroo (MP3 CD)
作者: Brandon T. Snider 
書城編號: 26318942

原價: HK$420.00
現售: HK$399 節省: HK$21

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出版社: Recorded Books
出版日期: 2022/11/10
ISBN: 9798212323970

Rube and his machines may have saved the day last week, but middle school is just getting started! One of Rube's best friends, Pearl, is running for class president, and Rube knows just the gadget to help her win ... or so he thinks. No matter what he does, all of his attempts to help Pearl end up backfiring. To make things worse, popular girl Emilia invites Rube to go with her to the big Switcheroo Dance--that is, if he invents something special to help her impress her followers online. Meanwhile, shops around town are being forced to close as a mysterious corporation buys up their land. Even the Rosens, who own Rube's favorite antique store, may get bullied into shutting down. Can Rube and his machines uncover the truth in time to stop it?
Brandon T. Snider 作者作品表

Sonic the Hedgehog 3: Gadgets, Gizmos, and Gears (Paperback)

Looney Tunes Mad Libs: World's Greatest Word Game (Paperback)

DC Super-Villains Mad Libs (Paperback)

Engine of Change (Compact Disc)

Engine of Change (MP3 CD)

The New Switcheroo (MP3 CD)

Beezer and the Creeping Red (MP3 CD)

Rube Goldberg and His Amazing Machines (MP3 CD)

Grow Up, Ant-Man! (hardcover)

Circe's Dark Reign (Paperback)

Cheetah Unleashed (Paperback)

Gorilla Grodd and the Primate Protocol (Paperback)

This or That? 2 (Paperback)

Draw it Out! (Paperback)

Write it Out! (Paperback)

LOL: A Keepsake Journal of Hilarious Q&As (Hardcover)

The Elements of Harmony: Friendship is Magic (My Little Pony)

The Dark Knight Rises: The Secret Files Scrapbook (hardcover)

What Is the Story of Princess Leia? (hardcover)

What Is the Story of Princess Leia? (paperback)

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