The Wilderness Trail (Esprios Classics) (Paperback)
作者: H. Bedford-Jones 
書城編號: 26323477

原價: HK$260.00
現售: HK$247 節省: HK$13

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出版社: Blurb Inc
出版日期: 2023/05/19
重量: 0.24 kg
ISBN: 9798211260191

Henry James O'Brien Bedford-Jones (April 29, 1887 - May 6, 1949) was a Canadian-American historical, adventure fantasy, science fiction, crime and Western writer who became a naturalized United States citizen in 1908. Bedford-Jones wrote numerous works of historical fiction dealing with several different eras, including Ancient Rome, the Viking era, seventeenth century France and Canada during the "New France" era. Bedford-Jones produced several fantasy novels revolving around Lost Worlds, including The Temple of the Ten (1921, with W. C. Robertson). In addition to writing fiction, Bedford-Jones also worked as a journalist for the Boston Globe, and wrote poetry.
H. Bedford-Jones 作者作品表

eBook: Pulp Adventure MEGAPACK(R): 16 Classic Tales from the Pulps (DRM EPUB)

eBook: He Swallows Gold (DRM EPUB)

The Mysterious John Solomon and John Solomon's Biggest Game: The Adventures of John Solomon, Volume 11 (Paperback)

The Life of Pinky Jenkins, Volume 4 (Paperback)

The Second Mate (Paperback)

A Personal Problem (Paperback)

The Mesa Trail (Paperback)

The Mesa Trail (Esprios Classics) (Paperback)

The Second Mate (Esprios Classics) (Paperback)

Cactus and Rattlers (Esprios Classics) (Paperback)

The Sheriff of Pecos (Esprios Classics) (Paperback)

The Trail of Death (Esprios Classics): Illustrated by L. R. Gustavson (Paperback)

The Wilderness Trail (Esprios Classics) (Paperback)

The Mardi Gras Mystery (Esprios Classics) (Paperback)

John Solomon-Supercargo (Esprios Classics) (Paperback)

The Cruise of the Pelican (Esprios Classics) (Paperback)

The Cross and the Hammer (Esprios Classics): A Tale of the Days of the Vikings (Paperback)

The Conquest (Esprios Classics) (Paperback)

Bob Bowen Comes to Town (Esprios Classics) (Paperback)

Bigfoot Joe, and Others (Esprios Classics): Figments of Fancy (Paperback)

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