Ashes in the Snow (Paperback)
作者: Oriana Ramunno 
書城編號: 26334697

原價: HK$190.00
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出版社: Harpervia
出版日期: 2023/09/05
重量: 0.25 kg
ISBN: 9780063335943


A spellbinding murder mystery with the plotting and characterization of Louise Penny or Agatha Christie set in Auschwitz at Christmas, 1943.

Auschwitz, 1943. It's snowing outside and Block 10 looks even bleaker than usual. Gioele Errera, a young Jewish boy imprisoned in the camp, finds the body of an SS officer.

Detective Hugo Fischer is sent to investigate the unexplained death of the renowned Nazi. But Hugo is hiding a secret - he is suffering from a degenerative disease. The only way for him to survive is to give his support to the Reich and hide his condition.

In Auschwitz, Hugo comes face to face not only with a complex murder, but with a truth - that of the Final Solution. And he is forced to decide what is most important to him - and who, if anyone, he should try to save...

Inspired by the author's family history, this wonderfully atmospheric page-turner, set during World War II, introduces a memorable hero--the flawed and fascinating Hugo Fischer.

Oriana Ramunno 作者作品表

Smoke in Berlin (Paperback)

Smoke in Berlin (Hardcover)

Ashes in the Snow (Paperback)

Ashes in the Snow (Compact Disc)

Ashes in the Snow (MP3 CD)

Ashes in the Snow (Paperback)

Ashes in the Snow (Paperback)

Ashes in the Snow (Hardcover)

Ashes in the Snow (Paperback)

eBook: Ashes in the Snow (DRM EPUB)

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