La Princesa de Negro Y La Batalla del Baño / The Princess in Black and the Bathtime Battle (Paperback)
作者: Shannon Hale 
書城編號: 26346223

原價: HK$130.00
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出版社: Beascoa
出版日期: 2023/06/20
重量: 0.18 kg
ISBN: 9781644733844

Una nube de pestilencia ha invadido el prado de las cabras.

Cada vez que la Princesa de Negro y su amigo, el Cabrero Justiciero, logran empujar la pestilencia, esta termina apestando otro reino.


Shannon Hale 作者作品表

You're the Winner! (Paperback)

You're the Winner! (Hardcover)

The Princess in Black and the Kitty Catastrophe (Hardcover)

Things That Go (Compact Disc)

Tales of the Titans (Paperback)

The Princess in Black and the Prince in Pink (Paperback)

Itty-Bitty Box of Kitty-Corn (Hardcover)

¡Nadie Es Perfecto! / Pretty Perfect Kitty-Corn (Paperback)

La Princesa de Negro Y La Batalla del Baño / The Princess in Black and the Bathtime Battle (Paperback)

La Pequeña Gaticornia / Itty-Bitty Kitty-Corn (Hardcover)

Party Hearty Kitty-Corn (Compact Disc)

Party Hearty Kitty-Corn (Compact Disc)

Party Hearty Kitty-Corn (MP3 CD)

The Princess in Black and the Prince in Pink (Hardcover)

La Princesa de Negro Y La Feria de Ciencias / The Princess in Black and the Science Fair Scare (Paperback)

Party Hearty Kitty-Corn (Special Edition) (Hardcover)

La Princesa de Negro Y La Cita Misteriosa / The Princess in Black and the Mysterious Playdate (Paperback)

Itty-Bitty Kitty-Corn (Paperback)

eBook: Whales: The Complete Guide For Beginners & Early Learning (DRM EPUB)

Kind of a Big Deal (Paperback)

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