Arthur Miller Plays 6: Broken Glass; Mr Peters' Connections; Resurrection Blues; Finishing the Picture (Paperback)
作者: Arthur Miller 
分類: Theatre studies ,
Plays, playscripts  
書城編號: 26347861

售價: $280.00

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出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
出版日期: 2023/02/09
頁數: 312
尺寸: 198 x 129 mm
重量: 331 grams
ISBN: 9781350354425
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Arthur Miller 作者作品表

Timebends: A Life (Paperback)

The Science of Mind-Body Healing: Exploring the Depths of Psychosomatic Medicine (Paperback)

Arthur Miller Plays 5: The Last Yankee; The Ride Down Mount Morgan; Almost Everybody Wins (Paperback)

Arthur Miller Plays 6: Broken Glass; Mr Peters' Connections; Resurrection Blues; Finishing the Picture (Paperback)

Arthur Miller Plays 4: The Golden Years; The Man Who Had All the Luck; I Can't Remember Anything; Clara (Paperback)

The Price (Paperback)

After the Fall (Paperback)

A Memory of Two Mondays (Paperback)

All My Sons (Paperback)

The Last Yankee (Paperback)

Broken Glass (Paperback)

The American Clock: A Vaudeville (Paperback)

The Ride Down Mt. Morgan (Paperback)

Arthur Miller Plays 2: The Misfits; After the Fall; Incident at Vichy; The Price; Creation of the World; Playing for Time (Paperback)

Arthur Miller Plays 3: The American Clock; The Archbishop's Ceiling; Two-Way Mirror (Paperback)

Death of a Salesman (Paperback)

Incident at Vichy (Paperback)

A View from the Bridge (Paperback)

The Crucible (Paperback)

The Misfits (Paperback)

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