Learning Airtable: Building Database-Driven Applications with No-Code (Paperback)
作者: Elliott Adams 
分類: Computer programming / software development  
書城編號: 26379671

原價: HK$800.00
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出版社: Oreilly Media
出版日期: 2024/01/30
ISBN: 9781098133375
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Get a concise yet comprehensive overview of Airtable, one of the most versatile platforms to emerge from the no-code movement. Whether you're planning a new project, sharing data analysis within your organization, tracking a detailed initiative among stakeholders, or dealing with any other project that requires well-structured collaboration, this practical book shows you how Airtable is an accessible tool to tackle these challenges.

Author Elliott Adams guides you through the process of structuring your data in a relational database, creating automations based on changes to data in Airtable, and building user-friendly interfaces for no-code applications. This showcases how Airtable is superior to the typical options of either non-developers using spreadsheets or making large investments in time-consuming application development.

With this book, you will:

  • Learn how Airtable can reduce the need for custom-built applications
  • Use Airtable to replace internal tools such as spreadsheets
  • Build applications utilizing relational data--without any knowledge of software programming
  • Evaluate whether you can build a solution on Airtable rather than purchasing software
  • Understand the limitations of the Airtable platform when compared with writing a software application from scratch
Elliott Adams 作者作品表

eBook: Learning Airtable (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Learning Airtable (DRM PDF)

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