Programming Cloud Native Applications with Google Cloud: Building Applications for Innovation and Scale (Paperback)
作者: Daniel Vaughan 
分類: Web services ,
Cloud computing  
書城編號: 26379680

原價: HK$660.00
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出版社: Oreilly Media
出版日期: 2024/01/30
ISBN: 9781098145088
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Cloud native development gives you the power to rapidly build, secure, and scale software. But you still need to navigate many potential pitfalls along the way. Through practical examples, this book demonstrates how to use Google Cloud as a laboratory to enable rapid innovation, a factory to automate toil, a resilient, scalable, and secure citadel for running applications, and an observatory to observe them.

Author Daniel Vaughan shows you how to take applications from prototype to production by combining Google Cloud services, a cloud native programming model, and best practices. By following an example project from start to finish, developers, architects, and engineering managers working with the Google Cloud Platform will learn how to build and run cloud native applications on Google Cloud with confidence.

  • Understand cloud native development concepts from microservices and containerization to architecture best practices and cost optimization
  • Learn Google Cloud services that specifically support this development style: compute, persistence, messaging, DevOps, security and networking, and observability
  • Confidently build cloud native applications on Google Cloud
  • Learn how to address nonfunctional requirements such as security, observability, and testing
  • Successfully make the transition from initial proofs of concept and prototypes to production systems
Daniel Vaughan 作者作品表

eBook: Cloud Native Development with Google Cloud (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Cloud Native Development with Google Cloud (DRM PDF)

eBook: Data Science: The Hard Parts (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Data Science: The Hard Parts (DRM PDF)

eBook: Analytical Skills for AI and Data Science: Building Skills for an AI-Driven Enterprise (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Analytical Skills for AI and Data Science: Building Skills for an AI-Driven Enterprise (DRM PDF)

Windows Phone 7.5 Unleashed (Paperback)

eBook: Windows Phone 7.5 Unleashed (DRM PDF)

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