Building a Cyber Risk Management Program: Evolving Security for the Digital Age (Paperback)
作者: Brian Allen 
分類: Computer security  
書城編號: 26379684

原價: HK$672.00
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出版社: Oreilly Media
出版日期: 2024/01/30
ISBN: 9781098147792
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Cyber risk management is one of the most urgent issues facing enterprises today. This book presents a detailed framework for designing, developing, and implementing a cyber risk management program that addresses your company's specific needs. Ideal for corporate directors, senior executives, security risk practitioners, and auditors at many levels, this guide offers both the strategic insight and tactical guidance you're looking for.

You'll learn how to define and establish a sustainable, defendable, cyber risk management program, and the benefits associated with proper implementation. Cyber risk management experts Brian Allen and Brandon Bapst, working with writer Terry Allan Hicks, also provide advice that goes beyond risk management. You'll discover ways to address your company's oversight obligations as defined by international standards, case law, regulation, and board-level guidance.

This book helps you:

  • Understand the transformational changes digitalization is introducing, and new cyber risks that come with it
  • Learn the key legal and regulatory drivers that make cyber risk management a mission-critical priority for enterprises
  • Gain a complete understanding of four components that make up a formal cyber risk management program
  • Implement or provide guidance for a cyber risk management program within your enterprise
Brian Allen 作者作品表

Treating Traumatized Children (Hardcover)

eBook: Barnstable and The Ning Nong of Grockle (DRM EPUB)

eBook: On the Deck or in the Drink: A Naval Aviator's Story (DRM PDF)

eBook: On the Deck or in the Drink: A Naval Aviator's Story (DRM EPUB)

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