Burma to Myanmar (Hardcover)
作者: Alexandra Green 
分類: Asian history  
書城編號: 26383972

原價: HK$490.00
現售: HK$465.5 節省: HK$24.5

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出版社: British Museum Press
出版日期: 2023/11/02
頁數: 288
尺寸: 250 x 200 mm
ISBN: 9780714124957

Showcasing a stunning selection of spectacular objects that have not been widely published or on regular display before, international scholars integrate Myanmar's material cultures with their histories from a Myanmar-centric point of view.

From influential superpower to repressive regime, Myanmar - also known as Burma - has seen dramatic fluctuations in fortune over the past 1,500 years.

Interconnected yet isolated, rich in natural resources such as jade, rubies and teak but with many of its peoples living below the poverty line, Myanmar is a country that defies categorization. Its cultures have been shaped by their engagements with religious networks, expansionist empires and global trade routes from India and China to Africa, the Middle East and Europe. It was once home to different kingdoms, principalities and chiefdoms that interacted with one another and further afield. The colonial period under British rule saw dramatic changes and upon independence in 1948, the various parts of the country were brought together, many for the first time, into a single nation state. Since then Myanmar has been engulfed by long running civil wars.

This beautiful book explores Myanmar's complexities, focusing on the extraordinary and innovative arts of its diverse peoples to create a long history of the region. Featuring objects such as sparkling gems, sumptuous court dress, intricately carved furniture, elaborate silver vessels, satirical cartoons and contemporary art, from the 400s CE to the present day, this book is a testament to the creativity and variety of Myanmar's many peoples.
Alexandra Green 作者作品表

Burma to Myanmar (Hardcover)


Buddhist Visual Cultures, Rhetoric, and Narrative in Late Burmese Wall Paintings (Hardcover)

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Wonderful World 6 Grammar Book (Paperback)

Wonderful World 4 Grammar Book (Paperback)

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World Wonders 3: Grammar Book (Paperback)

World Wonders 2: Grammar Book (Paperback)

Skills Booster 4: Audio CD (CD-ROM)

Skills Booster 4 (Paperback)

Eclectic Collecting: Art from Burma in the Denison Museum (Hardcover)

Skills Booster 2: Teacher's Book (Paperback)

Skills Booster 3 (Paperback)

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