Beyond Coal and Steel: A Social History of Western Europe after the Boom (Paperback)
作者: Lutz Raphael 
譯者: Kate Tranter
分類: History  
書城編號: 26386127

售價: $266.00

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出版社: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
出版日期: 2023/11/02
頁數: 410
ISBN: 9781509554386


In the 1970s, the economic and social foundations of Western Europe underwent an unprecedented transformation. Old industries like coal and steel disappeared, millions of people lost their jobs and formerly flourishing towns and cities went into decline. Traditional political agendas gave way to new social problems and concerns. What happened to industrial citizens - their workplaces, their careers and their homes? How did social rights and political participation of workers change when markets became global, management lean and financial capital dominant? How did companies change and how were personal skills and work tasks reinvented under the impact of new technologies? How did workers - men and women - live through these decades of uncertainty and upheaval?

Lutz Raphael reconstructs the highly variegated story of deindustrialization in Western Europe with a particular focus on Britain, France and West Germany. Extending over three decades, this transformation was accompanied by significant rises in productivity and consumerism, but it also came at a heavy cost, ushering in many low-income jobs, growing inequality and a crisis of democratic representation. Its legacy is everywhere around us today - it is the transformation that has shaped our world.

Lutz Raphael 作者作品表

Beyond Coal and Steel: A Social History of Western Europe after the Boom (Hardcover)

Beyond Coal and Steel: A Social History of Western Europe after the Boom (Paperback)

eBook: Poverty and Welfare in Modern German History (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Poverty and Welfare in Modern German History (DRM PDF)

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