Why Writing Still Matters: Written Communication in Changing Times (Paperback)
作者: Guy Merchant 
分類: linguistics ,
Media studies  
書城編號: 26398744

售價: $364.00

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出版社: Cambridge
出版日期: 2023/10/31
ISBN: 9781009268684

Writing surrounds us, it informs us, it guides us, and it controls us. The power and complexity of this exceptional human invention is a story of change. However, in today's digital world, technology has drastically altered how and where we write, what we write about, and what writing looks like. This fascinating book presents a compelling argument for the vital importance of writing, and considers where its future may lie. Richly illustrated with examples of writing practices old and new, it explores the significant changes in writing that have occurred in our lifetime, and highlights how technology has challenged some of our most deeply held views about human communication. Through a careful examination of how writing works, it explores how it can be considered as a technology, inviting us to think again about this visual language that we so often take for granted. Writing matters - now, more than ever before.
Guy Merchant 作者作品表

Why Writing Still Matters: Written Communication in Changing Times (Hardcover)

Why Writing Still Matters: Written Communication in Changing Times (Paperback)

Virtual Literacies: Interactive Spaces for Children and Young People (Hardcover)

Sci-Fi Stories for Ages 7-9 (Mixed media product)

eBook: Why Writing Still Matters: Written Communication in Changing Times (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Why Writing Still Matters: Written Communication in Changing Times (DRM PDF)

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