The Hong Kong Legal System
作者: Stefan H C Lo, Wing Hong Chui 
書城編號: 264488

原價: HK$430.00
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出版社: McGraw-Hill Education Asia
出版日期: 2011/09
頁數: 304
ISBN: 9780071087872

This book provides an introduction to the legal system in Hong Kong. Understanding Hong Kong s legal system today requires both an understanding of the British origins of much of the laws and legal institutions as well as the uniquely Hong Kong developments in the application of the Basic Law under a concept of one country two systems . These features of the Hong Kong legal system are explored in this book, which takes into account developments in the first decade or so of the new legal framework in Hong Kong since the 1997 handover. This book covers the following topics: functions and concept of law, elements of a legal system, the rule of law, the separation of powers, sources of law, the courts and the doctrine of precedent, the process of legislation, statutory interpretation, alternative methods of resolving disputes, and legal research. In providing both an exposition of the legal institutions in Hong Kong and legal method under Hong Kong s legal system (including practical guidance and examples on case law, statutory interpretation and legal research), the book is ideal for first year law students, as well as students of other disciplines who study law.

Wing Hong Chui 作者作品表

eBook: School Social Work: Current Practice and Research (DRM PDF)

Experiences of Transnational Chinese Migrants in the Asia-Pacific (Hardcover)

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