Out of This World Space Tech (Library Binding)
作者: Clive Gifford 
書城編號: 26536064

售價: $359.00

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出版社: Cavendish Square
出版日期: 2023/07/30
重量: 0.5 kg
ISBN: 9781502668899

How does a spacesuit work? What is a probe? What are the parts of a Mars rover? Readers discover the answers to these and many more questions about the technology used to explore space in this fun and fact-filled guide to a high-interest science topic. Detailed and informative images are the focal point of this learning experience, with each chapter devoted to full-color photographs, diagrams, infographics, and more. The main text is creatively placed around these images in short, focused sections, and sidebars provide additional information. An activity is also included to give readers a hands-on lesson in STEM concepts.
Clive Gifford 作者作品表

Ground Control to Major Tim: The Space Adventures of Major Tim Peake (Paperback)


A Question of Geography: How Can a Rock Float?: and other questions about natural resources (Paperback)

A Question of Geography: Why Don't Bees Freeze in the Arctic?: and other questions about biomes (Paperback)

True Stories You'll Never Forget: True Spooky Stories (Paperback)

True Stories You'll Never Forget: True Space Stories (Paperback)

Super Tech: Robots (Paperback)

Super Tech: Gross Tech (Paperback)

A Question of Geography: How Can a River Just Vanish?: and other questions about rivers (Paperback)

A Question of Geography: How Can it Rain Fish?: and other questions about weather (Paperback)

True Stories You'll Never Forget: True Animal Stories (Paperback)

True Stories You'll Never Forget: True Sporting Stories (Paperback)

The Furry History of Cats (Hardcover)

Super Tech: Dinosaurs (Paperback)

Super Tech: Big Data (Paperback)

Computer Kids: Having Fun Online (Paperback)

Computer Kids: Coding Online (Paperback)

The Hungry History of Sharks (Paperback)

Super Tech: AI (Paperback)

Super Tech: Space (Paperback)

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