Goddess Girls Graphic Novel Legendary Collection (Boxed Set): Athena the Brain Graphic Novel; Persephone the Phony Graphic Novel; Aphrodite the Beauty
作者: Joan Holub 
書城編號: 26594118

原價: HK$450.00
現售: HK$427.5 節省: HK$22.5

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出版社: Aladdin
出版日期: 2023/10/24
重量: 1.49 kg
ISBN: 9781665940061

Even goddesses go through growing pains in these first four books in the Goddess Girls Graphic Novel series--now together in one paperback boxed set!

Being a goddess doesn't make school or life any easier. Athena, Persephone, Aphrodite, and Artemis learn all about life lessons and friendship at Mount Olympus Academy in these stories that give a modern twist to classic myths.

This epic paperback collection includes:
Athena the Brain Graphic Novel
Persephone the Phony Graphic Novel
Aphrodite the Beauty Graphic Novel
Artemis the Brave Graphic Novel

Joan Holub 作者作品表

Goddess Girls Shimmering Collection (Boxed Set): Persephone the Daring; Cassandra the Lucky; Athena the Proud; Iris the Colorful; Aphrodite the Fair;

The Eye of Cyclops: A Quix Book (Paperback)

The Eye of Cyclops: A Quix Book (Hardcover)

Time Travelers (Paperback)

Time Travelers (Hardcover)

Rise of Pegasus: A Quix Book (Hardcover)

Rise of Pegasus: A Quix Book (Paperback)

Artemis & the Dog's Diamond: Little Goddess Girls 12 (Hardcover)

Artemis & the Dog's Diamond: Little Goddess Girls 12 (Paperback)

Elpis the Hopeful (Paperback)

Elpis the Hopeful (Hardcover)

Heroes in Training Graphic Novel Mythical Collection (Boxed Set): Zeus and the Thunderbolt of Doom Graphic Novel; Poseidon and the Sea of Fury Graphic

Goddess Girls Graphic Novel Legendary Collection (Boxed Set): Athena the Brain Graphic Novel; Persephone the Phony Graphic Novel; Aphrodite the Beauty

Bears Are Best!: The Scoop about How We Sniff, Sneak, Snack, and Snooze! (Library Binding)

Aphrodite & the Dragon's Emerald: Little Goddess Girls 11 (Hardcover)

Aphrodite & the Dragon's Emerald: Little Goddess Girls 11 (Paperback)

¿Qué Es La Estatua de la Libertad? (Paperback)

Goddess Girls Magical Collection (Boxed Set): Athena the Brain; Persephone the Phony; Aphrodite the Beauty; Artemis the Brave (Boxed Set) (Paperback)

Goddess Girls Spectacular Collection (Boxed Set): Athena the Brain; Persephone the Phony; Aphrodite the Beauty; Artemis the Brave; Athena the Wise; Ap

Artemis the Brave Graphic Novel (Hardcover)

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