Faults: A story of family, friendship, summer love, and loyalty (Hardcover)
作者: Tudor Robins 
書城編號: 26594762

原價: HK$280.00
現售: HK$266 節省: HK$14

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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2016/10/31
重量: 0.68 kg
ISBN: 9781990802072


Giving up her pony didn't make Austen's sister better. Sacrificing her social life hasn't done it either. But with her sister's life at stake, Austen's never good at saying no. So, when their mom decides a move to the island is just what Eliot needs, Austen says good-bye to her perfect summer plans.

Rand's not on the island by choice, either. After drinking, driving, and crashing his neighbour's car, he's been sent to live with his uncle until a spot opens up for him at boarding school.

If too-nice Austen, and too-much-trouble Rand are opposites maybe that's why they're so attracted to each other.

Tudor Robins 作者作品表

Catch Rider (Paperback)

Gift Horse: An all-ages, horsey, holiday novella (Hardcover)

Gift Horse: An all-ages, horsey, holiday novella (Hardcover)

Gift Horse: An all-ages, horsey, holiday novella (Paperback)

Not so Bad: A small-town coming-home story (Paperback)

Not so Bad: A small-town coming-home story (Hardcover)

Not so Bad: A small-town coming-home story (Hardcover)

Six-Month Horse: A page-turning story of learning and laughing with friends, family, and horses (Hardcover)

Throw Your Heart Over (Hardcover)

Throw Your Heart Over (Hardcover)

After Lucas (Hardcover)

After Lucas (Hardcover)

Objects in Mirror (Hardcover)

Objects in Mirror (Hardcover)

Faults: A story of family, friendship, summer love, and loyalty (Hardcover)

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