The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 7: The Problem of Evil (Hardcover)
作者: Murray Stein 
書城編號: 26598057

售價: $470.00

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出版社: Chiron Pubn
出版日期: 2023/07/01
重量: 0.46 kg
ISBN: 9781685031725


Dr. Murray Stein's prolific career has produced a substantial body of writings, lectures, and interviews. His writings, captured in these volumes, span a wide domain of topics including Christianity, individuation, midlife, the practice of analytical psychology, and topics in contemporary society. His deep understanding of analytical psychology is much more than an academic discourse, but rather a deeply personal study of Jung that spans nearly half a century.

Volume 7 of the Collected Writings of Murray Stein brings together the author's writings on moral conscience and the problem of evil as developed in the works of C.G. Jung and other psychologists and philosophers. Included are reflections on the nature of evil and the source of evil, the importance of becoming conscious of what Jung called "the shadow" aspect of the personality, and the role of the individuation process for containment of shadow enactments.

Table of Contents




Chapter One - The Complexity of Conscience

Chapter Two - Solar Conscience

Chapter Three - Lunar Conscience

Chapter Four - Relations Between Solar and Lunar Conscience

Introduction to Jung on Evil

C.G. Jung and Erich Neumann on the Problem of Evil

A Formula for Violence

Explorations of Shadow: An Interview with Len Cruz

Answer to Evil

The Shadow and the Problem of Evil



Murray Stein 作者作品表

The Collected Writings Of Murray Stein Volume 9: Jungian Studies (Paperback)

Ways To The Self: Five Conversations (Paperback)

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 8: Psychology and Spirituality (Hardcover)

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 8: Psychology and Spirituality (Paperback)

The Shadow and the Problem of Evil: Five Examinations (Hardcover)

The Shadow and the Problem of Evil: Five Examinations (Paperback)

Individuation Psychology: Essays in Honor of Murray Stein (Hardcover)

Individuation Psychology: Essays in Honor of Murray Stein (Paperback)

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 7: The Problem of Evil (Paperback)

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 7: The Problem of Evil (Hardcover)

El libro rojo de Jung para nuestros tiempos: la búsqueda del alma bajo condiciones posmodernas (Hardcover)

El libro rojo de Jung para nuestros tiempos: la búsqueda del alma bajo condiciones posmodernas (Paperback)

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 5: Analytical Psychology and Christianity (Hardcover)

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 5: Analytical Psychology and Christianity (Paperback)

Jung's Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul In the 21st Century - An Eranos Symposium Volume 5 (Paperback)

Jung's Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul In the 21st Century - An Eranos Symposium Volume 5 (Hardcover)

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 6: Analytical Psychology And Religion (Collected Writi) (Paperback)

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 6: Analytical Psychology And Religion (Collected Writi) (Hardcover)

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 1: Individuation (Collected Writings of Murray Stein) (hardcover)

Jung`s Red Book for Our Time (Paperback)

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