Picture This! Animals: Transform Everyday Objects Into Awesome Drawings! (Paperback)
作者: Gareth Conway 
書城編號: 26619141

原價: HK$100.00
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出版社: Arcturus Ed
出版日期: 2023/08/15
重量: 0.32 kg
ISBN: 9781398815315


This witty and inventive drawing book encourages young readers to unleash their imaginations by transforming everyday objects into awesome animals!

Turn a pear into a polar bear, cheese into a cheetah and pliers into a pterosaur with this wacky and entertaining guide. Whether it's food, clothes or stationary, the young artist has been supplied with plenty of photo-realistic, full-color images which children can draw around to create something entirely different.

- The fun and inventive transformations stimulate imagination
- The simple exercises are perfect for early drawers
- Encourages children to create their own sketches

With these new skills, children can transform their own found objects from around the home. Ideal for creative kids aged 7+.

Gareth Conway 作者作品表

Picture This! Animals: Transform Everyday Objects Into Awesome Drawings! (Paperback)

Picture This!: Transform Everyday Objects Into Awesome Drawings! (Paperback)

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