"Drop Your Footys" is an intense journey of self-discovery and acceptance, set in the rugged backdrop of the Australian outback. It's the story of Josh, a hardworking tradesman who lives by the conventions of rural society. His everyday attire of footy shorts and T-shirts may seem ordinary, but underneath the surface, a storm of self-questioning and yearning stirs. Josh has a secret that he has kept hidden under his worn-out footy shorts - his fondness for wearing speedos. It's a symbolic secret, one that hints at his deeply concealed desires and burgeoning self-realization. As he navigates through friendships, lust, love, and the complex web of emotions that comes with each, Josh embarks on a life-changing journey. "Drop Your Footys" is an intimate exploration of coming to terms with one's sexuality, of breaking free from societal norms, and embracing the self. It's about the battles one fights within and the sweet liberation that acceptance brings. With footy shorts, speedos, and an assortment of compelling characters, "Drop Your Footys" is an immersive tale that promises to leave you pondering long after you've turned the last page.