XLI Poems - Poetry by e.e. cummings (Hardcover)
作者: E. E. Cummings 
書城編號: 26620268

售價: $250.00

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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2022/09/27
重量: 0.23 kg
ISBN: 9781528721301


Controversial and passionate, XLI Poems is e.e. cummings' second masterful poetry collection, complete with 41 poems that were originally disregarded by publishers.

Of the 152 poems included in e. e. cummings' original manuscript for his first poetry collection, Tulips and Chimneys (1923), only 86 were published. 41 of the omitted pieces were published two years later in XLI Poems. Although written at the same time as his previous collection, the poetry demonstrates further evidence of cummings' experimentation in form and style.

Much of the work featured in this volume was designed to shock cummings' readers. The poetry heavily focuses on themes of eroticism and controversy. The collection unironically examines the traditional sonnet and common poetic themes such as romance, death, and nature, while giving the familiar styles a modern twist.

This volume features titles such as:

    - 'the sky was'

    - 'of my'

    - 'when life is quite through with'

    - 'This Is The Garden'

Republished in a brand new edition by specialist poetry imprint, Ragged Hand, XLI Poems is not to be missed by collectors of e.e. cummings' work and fans of modernist poetry.

E. E. Cummings 作者作品表

The Enormous Room (Paperback)

is 5 - Poetry by e.e. cummings (Paperback)

Tulips and Chimneys - Poetry by e.e. cummings (Hardcover)

& (And) - Poetry by e.e. cummings (Paperback)

Tulips and Chimneys - Poetry by e.e. cummings (Paperback)

XLI Poems - Poetry by e.e. cummings (Paperback)

Puella Mea and the Collected Poetry of e.e. cummings - 1910-1926 (Paperback)

XLI Poems - Poetry by e.e. cummings (Hardcover)

& (And) - Poetry by e.e. cummings (Hardcover)

The Enormous Room;With an Introductory Poem by Anne Brontë (Paperback)

eBook: is 5 - Poetry by e.e. cummings (DRM EPUB)

eBook: & (And) - Poetry by e.e. cummings (DRM EPUB)

eBook: XLI Poems - Poetry by e.e. cummings (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Tulips and Chimneys - Poetry by e.e. cummings (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Puella Mea and the Collected Poetry of e.e. cummings - 1910-1925 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Enormous Room (DRM EPUB)

e. e. cummings: Selected Works (paperback)

eBook: Enormous Room Enormous (DRM PDF)

eBook: Santa Claus: A Morality (DRM PDF)

The Enormous Room Lib/E (Compact Disc)

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