What man wins more happiness than only the shape it takes and the destruction it causes when that shape falls apart?
Oedipus Rex by Sophocles has never been surpassed in terms of the hero's ferocious battle to find an answer to the question "Who am I?" The play, which tells the tale of a king who, acting solely out of ignorance, murders his father and weds his mother, develops with shattering force, dragging us hopelessly along with Oedipus to the shocking conclusion.
Our Prestwick House Literary Touchstone Classics edition of Oedipus includes a dictionary of the more challenging terminology as well as useful sidebar comments to enlighten the reader on areas that may be unclear or disregarded, making it more understandable for today's readers. Through this version, we hope that the reader will be able to appreciate the poetry's beauty, the insights' wisdom, and the drama's impact to the fullest.