Enya was driving through bombs one moment and found herself sinking into water the next. The bright light was not a bomb esploding but a ate opening between one world and another. She finds herself in a world very different from the one she left. A world where you can't tell anyne yourtrue name or trust most beings you come across. Enya meets beings ofraces tht she neverdreamed existed and one that was right out of the legends her grandmother told her long ago.
Randal isan actual elf, one much older than anyone on thi new world knows, or he remembers. Going by the use name of Damocles, he rescues Enya and gives her the use name of Athena. Together they work toward finding and rescuing people until an old enemy of Randal's raise his head. Can they survive the anicent enmity of Randal's Past?
Thisbook is a drak fantasy and contains adult themes
Trigger warning for abuseand sexual situations.