Fuzzy Data Matching with SQL: Enhancing Data Quality and Query Performance (Paperback)
作者: Jim Lehmer 
分類: Database programming  
書城編號: 26650922

原價: HK$600.00
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出版社: Oreilly Media
出版日期: 2023/11/28
ISBN: 9781098152277
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If you were handed two different but related sets of data, what tools would you use to find the matches? What if all you had was SQL SELECT access to a database? In this practical book, author Jim Lehmer provides best practices, techniques, and tricks to help you import, clean, match, score, and think about heterogeneous data using SQL.

DBAs, programmers, business analysts, and data scientists will learn how to identify and remove duplicates, parse strings, extract data from XML and JSON, generate SQL using SQL, regularize data and prepare datasets, and apply data quality and ETL approaches for finding the similarities and differences between various expressions of the same data.

Full of real-world techniques, the examples in the book contain working code. You'll learn how to:

  • Identity and remove duplicates in two different datasets using SQL
  • Regularize data and achieve data quality using SQL
  • Extract data from XML and JSON
  • Generate SQL using SQL to increase your productivity
  • Prepare datasets for import, merging, and better analysis using SQL
  • Report results using SQL
  • Apply data quality and ETL approaches to finding similarities and differences between various expressions of the same data
Jim Lehmer 作者作品表

eBook: Fuzzy Data Matching with SQL (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Fuzzy Data Matching with SQL (DRM PDF)

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