The Fibula Murders (Paperback)
作者: Lisa Williamson 
書城編號: 26674798

售價: $150.00

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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2022/12/04
重量: 0.23 kg
ISBN: 9798215389386


Kate McIntosh is a private investigator. She mostly works for clients of the Other kind, but from time to time she lends a hand to the special unit of th Bodies are dropping around Lake Simcoe. A serial killer is leaving tiny bodies impaled with Fibulas in the center of ritual symbols and Kate needs to use her special abilities to help track down the murderer before more turn up. Can she figure out what the killer is doing before he moves onto bigger targets?

The first of a new series f stories set in the Guardian universe, these are set in a different country.

Lisa Williamson 作者作品表

Bigg School: Scaredy Cat (Paperback)

Bigg School: Secret Crush (Paperback)

Bigg School: Double Drama (Paperback)

Love, Loss and Loneliness (Paperback)

Bigg School: Best Friends Forever (Paperback)

Hiding in Plain Sight (Paperback)

Not A Haunting (Paperback)

Whispering in the Dark (Paperback)

Four Dragon Valley (Paperback)

New Friends, Old Enemies (Paperback)

Hazards (Paperback)

The Fibula Murders (Paperback)

Music is My Mistress (Paperback)

Interludes (Paperback)

Coffee House Blues (Paperback)

The Knight Protector (Paperback)

Wings of Memories Past (Paperback)

DWAYNE ('The Rock' Johnson) (Paperback)

First Day of My Life (Paperback)

eBook: First Day of My Life (DRM EPUB)

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