The Imperfectionists (paperback)
作者: Tom Rachman 
書城編號: 267206

原價: HK$170.00
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出版社: Dial Press
出版日期: 2011/01/04
重量: 0.22 kg
ISBN: 9780385343671

From the author of The Italian Teacher, this acclaimed debut novel set in Rome follows the topsy-turvy lives of the denizens of an English language newspaper.

Janet Maslin, The New York Times - The Economist - NPR - Slate - The Christian Science Monitor - Financial Times - The Plain Dealer - Minneapolis Star Tribune - St. Louis Post-Dispatch - The Kansas City Star - The Globe and Mail - Publishers Weekly

Look in the back of the book for a conversation between Tom Rachman and Malcolm Gladwell

Fifty years and many changes have ensued since the paper was founded by an enigmatic millionaire, and now, amid the stained carpeting and dingy office furniture, the staff's personal dramas seem far more important than the daily headlines. Kathleen, the imperious editor in chief, is smarting from a betrayal in her open marriage; Arthur, the lazy obituary writer, is transformed by a personal tragedy; Abby, the embattled financial officer, discovers that her job cuts and her love life are intertwined in a most unexpected way. Out in the field, a veteran Paris freelancer goes to desperate lengths for his next byline, while the new Cairo stringer is mercilessly manipulated by an outrageous war correspondent with an outsize ego. And in the shadows is the isolated young publisher who pays more attention to his prized basset hound, Schopenhauer, than to the fate of his family's quirky newspaper.

As the era of print news gives way to the Internet age and this imperfect crew stumbles toward an uncertain future, the paper's rich history is revealed, including the surprising truth about its founder's intentions.

Spirited, moving, and highly original, The Imperfectionists will establish Tom Rachman as one of our most perceptive, assured literary talents.

Tom Rachman 作者作品表

The Imposters (Paperback)

The Imposters (Paperback)

eBook: Die Hochstapler: Roman (DRM EPUB)

The Imposters (Hardcover)

The Imposters (Paperback)

The Imposters (Hardcover)

Italian Teacher (Paperback)

eBook: Rise and Fall of Great Powers (DRM EPUB)

Rise and Fall of Great Powers (Paperback)

Italian Teacher (Hardcover)

Italian Teacher (Hardcover)

eBook: Italian Teacher: The Costa Award Shortlisted Novel (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Italian Teacher (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Basket of Deplorables: Shortlisted for the Edge Hill Prize (DRM EPUB)

Rise and Fall of Great Powers (Paperback)

eBook: Rise & Fall of Great Powers (DRM EPUB)

Rise and Fall of Great Powers (Paperback)

eBook: Imperfectionists (DRM EPUB)

Imperfectionists (Paperback)

The Imperfectionists (paperback)

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