Architecture and the Public World: Kenneth Frampton (Paperback)
作者: Kenneth Frampton 
分類: Theory of architecture ,
Architectural structure & design  
書城編號: 26726507

售價: $350.00

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出版社: Bloomsbury Visual Arts
出版日期: 2024/02/08
重量: 0.62 kg
ISBN: 9781350183780


This book brings together Kenneth Frampton's essays from the 1960s to today which epitomize his reflections on the historical-theoretical entanglements of architecture with place, the public realm, cultural identity, urban landscape and environment, and the political question of the "predicament" of architecture in the new Millennium.
The essays explore Frampton's contention that architecture's imperative is to assume a significant responsibility for the edification and stewardship of the Arendtian 'public world.' One of the most theoretically sophisticated and politically committed architectural thinkers, Frampton's work breaks emphatically with the limits and norms of much contemporary practice and restores a sense of richness and social consequence of architecture's 'unfinished project, ' while offering abiding lessons not only for architecture but for social, cultural, and design criticism alike.

Kenneth Frampton 作者作品表

eBook: Le Corbusier (DRM EPUB)

Architecture and the Public World: Kenneth Frampton (Hardcover)

Architecture and the Public World: Kenneth Frampton (Paperback)

eBook: El otro movimiento moderno (DRM PDF)

LE CORBUSIER (Paperback)

eBook: Modern Architecture: A Critical History (DRM EPUB)

Canadian Modern Architecture (Hardcover)

The Unfinished Modern Project at the End of Modernity: Tectonic Form and the Space of Public Appearance - Soane Medal Lecture 2019 (Paperback)

Wright`s Writings - Reflections on Culture and Politics, 189 (Paperback)

Renzo Piano: The Complete Logbook (Hardcover)

Le Corbusier (Paperback)

Comparative Critical Analysis of Built Form (Hardcover)

Richard Meier (Paperback)

American Masterworks (Revised ed.) (Hardcover)

Modern Architecture (Paperback)

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