The Theatre and Its Double (Paperback)
作者: Antonin Artaud 
分類: Theatre studies ,
Theatre direction & production  
書城編號: 26726549

售價: $224.00

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出版社: Methuen
出版日期: 2024/02/22
ISBN: 9781350288713
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In The Theatre and Its Double, first published in 1938, Antonin Artaud puts forward his radical theories on drama and theatre, which he saw as being stifled by conservatism and a lack of experimentation.

Containing the famous manifestos of the 'Theatre of Cruelty', this collection of essays analyses the underlying impulses of performance, provides suggestions on a physical-training method for actors, and features a long appreciation of the expressive values of Eastern dance drama.

This new English translation of Artaud's canonical text by Mark Taylor-Batty retains the idiosyncratic nature of the author's writing, communicating its fervour and ambition, while achieving a much-needed clarity.

Through doing so, it facilitates a fuller appreciation of Artaud's artistic objectives and the original context in which they grew, aided by a newly translated set of his notes and drafts, and a selection of letters to his publisher, friends and associates concerning the book's genesis and the evolution of the concept of a 'Theatre of Cruelty'.

The commentary further contextualizes this material within Artaud's broader oeuvre, from his collaboration with the Surrealist group through to his plans to stage his own adaptation of Percy Shelley's Les Cenci in 1935.

A welcome addition to any theatre-lover's or student's bookshelf, this translation of Artaud's classic text offers clear and faithful insights into Artaud's theatre.

Antonin Artaud 作者作品表

Journey to Mexico (Paperback)

The Theatre and Its Double (Hardcover)

The Theatre and Its Double (Paperback)

Vincent Van Gogh, le suicidé de la société: Un essai d'Antonin Artaud - prix Sainte-Beuve 1948. (Paperback)

eBook: Le theatre et son double (DRM EPUB)

Artaud the Momo - and Other Major Poetry (Paperback)

Heliogabalus, or The Anarchist Crowned (Paperback)

Artaud 1937 Apocalypse - Letters from Ireland. 14 August to (Paperback)

eBook: Le Pese-Nerfs - Fragments d'un Journal d'Enfer - L'Art et la Mort (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Van Gogh le suicide de la societe (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Theatre and Its Double (DRM PDF)

Theatre and Its Double (Paperback)

Theatre and Its Double (Paperback)

Watchfiends and Rack Screams (Paperback)

The Theater and Its Double

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