Gecko (Paperback)
作者: Raymond Huber 
書城編號: 26727893

原價: HK$90.00
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出版社: Candlewick Books
出版日期: 2023/11/07
重量: 0.14 kg
ISBN: 9781536233278

"Brian Lovelock's ink, colored-pencil, and watercolor pictures work in beautiful tandem with Raymond Huber's text to describe the capacities of an extraordinary creature." --Wall Street Journal

Meet the gecko, the escape artist of the lizard world. Hawks, rats, and snakes would love to catch one for their dinner, but as the gecko's amazing ability to protect itself and outsmart predators keeps it safe from day to day, it is more than a match for its pursuers! With clever camouflage, a tail that can drop as a decoy, feet covered in tiny hairs for gripping (and hanging out upside down), and eyes that it cleans with its tongue, the gecko is truly a fascinating little creature well worth learning about. This wonderful introduction to one of the coolest lizards on the planet will captivate amateur scientists.

Raymond Huber 作者作品表

Gecko (Paperback)

Gecko (Hardcover)

Flight of the Honey Bee (Paperback)

Flight of the Honey Bee (paperback)

Flight of the Honey Bee (hardcover)

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