Honeymoon to Die For (Paperback)
作者: Don L. Searle 
書城編號: 26736719

售價: $200.00

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出版社: Waking Lion Pr
出版日期: 2023/05/22
重量: 0.37 kg
ISBN: 9781434104939


When Matt and Jane Randall married three days ago, they promised each other eternity. Now they wonder whether they will make it to the weekend together. Jane has been kidnapped, and her abductors say Matt will only get his bride back when he returns some mysterious something that shouldn't have been given to him-and Matt has no idea what it is!

Outwitting Jane's captors will require trust and cooperation far beyond the level most newlyweds have developed. When they learn what their tormentors are seeking and who is behind the crime, they realize those people don't leave witnesses to tell the story. Can Matt and Jane save themselves without sinking to the level of their murderous pursuers?

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