Trials of Endurance: From the Eyes of a Mother and Daughter (Paperback)
作者: Naviya Hunter 
書城編號: 26738035

售價: $150.00

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出版社: Steiner Books
出版日期: 2022/04/19
重量: 0.19 kg
ISBN: 9781948853460


A mother. A daughter. And the man in between.

Trials of Endurance tells the stories of two women-one "seasoned," the other "young"-and how their experiences with one man went in two totally different directions.

From the mother's perspective, the man in between was once the love of her life. She bore a child for him and shared many good times. When their relationship took a turn for the worst, domestic violence reared its ugly head, leaving her wounded by a gunshot. Her story tells of how she was finally able to be freed from the effects of the toxic relationship. Today, she is a survivor and advocates for victims of abuse.

From the daughter's perspective, the man in between was the light of her life. Through good times and bad, they were there for each other and became best friends along the way. She tells of the love she had for him, even after a near-death experience, and how the suddenness of his suicide left her with more questions than answers. Today, she, too, is a survivor and on the path to healing.

This page-turning, must-read, true story will captivate all audiences, as everyone who reads this book will somehow see themselves written into the stories within.

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