Gazetteer of Scottish and Irish Ghosts (Paperback)
作者: Peter Underwood 
書城編號: 26744305

售價: $150.00

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出版社: Independently Published
出版日期: 2020/11/14
重量: 0.51 kg
ISBN: 9798564237840

Gazetteer of Scottish and Irish Ghosts is the first comprehensive collection of ghostly legends and modern reports of ghosts and hauntings through the Highlands, Lowlands and Isles of Scotland and the whole of Ireland.Here are such varied phenomena as the 'big grey man of Ben MacDhui' - the haunted mountain vouched for by professors, doctors and mountaineers of considerable standing; or the curious disturbances at the Edinburgh home of Sir Alexander Seton - subsequent to his wife's removing an ancient bone from an Egyptian tomb. Do you know where a vampire lurks in the shadows of a ruined church? Where giant footsteps cause panic to hardened climbers? Where the red glow of battle shines annually? Where corpses whisper? These and many other strange stories, legends and authentic accounts of ghostly happenings have been catalogued alphabetically for easy reference.In addition to presenting a profusion of fascinating reports from the towns and valleys, lochs and lakes, mountains and rivers, historic castles and houses of these lovely countries, Peter Underwood draws on his twenty-five years of study and practical investigation to describe a rich patchwork of reported happenings that cannot be explained in material or scientific terms.All in all, A Gazetteer of Scottish and Irish Ghosts provides a unique reference book and guide to the ghost population of these lands. The result of many years study, it is a worthy successor to the earlier Gazetteer of British Ghosts by the same author.
Peter Underwood 作者作品表

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Gazetteer of Scottish and Irish Ghosts (Paperback)

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Irish Ghosts (Paperback)

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Ghosts of North Devon (Paperback)

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