Clarity vs. Chaos: Sun Tzu's Rules for Life and War (Paperback)
作者: Lawrence a. Kane 
書城編號: 26745305

售價: $239.00

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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2023/05/11
重量: 0.86 kg
ISBN: 9798985561760

From the bestselling, award-winning authors of Musashi's Dokkodo...

"Whether you're an entrepreneur, negotiator, or just someone seeking to improve your strategic thinking, I highly recommend this book." - Mark Raffan

General Sun Tzu (544 - 496 BC) was one of the most celebrated strategists in all of human history. He recorded his winning precepts in Art of War sometime around 510 BC. It is the earliest surviving and most revered tome of its kind, one that centuries later is still widely referenced by captains of industry, heads of state, military leaders, martial artists, law enforcement professionals, lawmakers, mediators, diplomats, and businesspeople who need a competitive advantage in dealing with conflict.

With methods so powerful they can conquer an adversary's spirit, you can use Master Tzu's strategies to overcome any challenge, from warfare to self-defense to business negotiations. This book starts with the classic 1910 translation of Art of War, adds modern and historical insight, and demonstrates how to put the master's timeless wisdom to use in your everyday life. In this fashion, the Art of War becomes accessible for the modern mind, simultaneously entertaining, enlightening, and practical.

Lawrence Kane, COP-GOV, CSP, CSMP, CIAP was inducted into SIG Sourcing Supernova Hall of Fame in 2018 for pioneering leadership in strategic sourcing, procurement, supplier innovation, and digital transformation. He has been studying and teaching martial arts since 1970, often putting what he learned into action while working stadium security part time. He has been interviewed by FOX, The Jim Bohannon Show, Computerworld, Forbes, Art of Procurement, Negotiations Ninja, Police Magazine, and more.

Kris Wilder, BCC is a Board-Certified Coach who was inducted into the United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame in 2018. A National Representative for the University of New Mexico's Institute of Traditional Martial Arts (ITMA), he holds black belt rankings in karate, judo, and taekwondo, conducting seminars across the United States, Canada, and Europe. He has been interviewed by CNN, FOX, The Huffington Post, Thrillist, Nickelodeon, The Howard Stern Show, and more.

Sun Tzu is an honorific that means "Master Sun." His mastery of military strategy was so exceptional that he reportedly transformed 180 courtesans into skilled soldiers in a single training session. While that episode was likely exaggerated, historians agree that King Ho-Lu, with Sun Tzu at his side, defeated the powerful Ch'u state in 506 BC before heading north to subdue the states of Qi and Chin and forge his empire.

Mark Raffan, who wrote the foreword, is the founder of Negotiations Ninja. Ranked as one of the top 10 negotiation experts in the world by Global Guru's, he has been featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, Supply and Demand Chain Executive Magazine, and appeared on dozens of podcasts.

Lawrence a. Kane 作者作品表

Clarity vs. Chaos: Sun Tzu's Rules for Life and War (Paperback)

Hey Sensei!: Funny and Sometimes Insightful Things That Happened at the Dojo (Paperback)

eBook: Surviving Armed Assaults (DRM EPUB)

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