Damru the Donkey: 24 Handpicked Stories (Paperback)
作者: Champak 
分類: Picture books, activity books & early learning material ,
Interactive & activity books & packs  
書城編號: 26772886

售價: $140.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Clockroot Books
出版日期: 2023/01/05
重量: 0.15 kg
ISBN: 9789357020169


Stories in Champak are set in a unique forest, Champakvan. Champa is an evergreen fragrant tree and van means forest. Great adventure lies in every page, waiting to take children on a wild and exciting ride. Everyone in this forest treats the other with respect, kindness, sensibility and, most importantly, they value friendship.

Whatever can go wrong, only goes wrong with Damru the Donkey. And whatever can go right, still

goes wrong with Damru. There's never a dull moment around him. He always takes things as they

are said, and not as they should be understood, goofing up at even the easiest of jobs. Let's laugh

when we see the Damru in us, for life need not be lived seriously all the time.

Champak 作者作品表

The Champak Story: Volume 1 - Tales of Adventure, Friendship, and Discovery for Young Minds - (Hindi) (Paperback)

Champak From Mountains to the Seas Volume 8 (Paperback)

Champak Earth, My Home Volume 7 (Paperback)

Champak Festivals are Fun Volume 10 (Paperback)

Little Fingers Big Brains(Champak Pre-K) (Paperback)

Little Fingers Big Brains(Champak K Plus) (Paperback)

Little Fingers Big Brains(Champak K) (Paperback)

Baddy the Fox: 24 Handpicked Stories (Paperback)

Jumpy the Monkey: 24 Handpicked Stories (Paperback)

Damru the Donkey: 24 Handpicked Stories (Paperback)

Cheeku the Rabbit: 24 Handpicked Stories (Paperback)

Shersingh the Lion: 24 Handpicked Stories (Paperback)

Meeku the Mouse: 24 Handpicked Stories (Paperback)

Celebrating India: Stories That Shaped our Nation 1947-2022 (Paperback)

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