The Eternity Perspective: Your Actions in Time Impact Eternity (Paperback)
作者: R. Scott Irwin 
書城編號: 26782921

售價: $198.00

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出版社: Primedia Elaunch
出版日期: 2023/02/17
重量: 0.74 kg
ISBN: 9798889551508


The Eternity Perspective is a faith-centered novel with five main story lines of "ordinary" people who, through simple obedient acts of love, profoundly impact the eternity of people around them and the world. The reader will enjoy many love stories woven through the book. Family love, romantic love, loving friendship, and brothers-in-arms love are all featured.

The purpose of the stories is to model the simple, small activities that any person can do to have an eternal impact. People often feel like they are too "small" or powerless to have a significant effect on this world, and that is a lie from the father of lies.

God has always used the (of-this-world-viewed) foolish to confound the (self-described) wise. The hubris of the "elite" rulers of this world has reached a level that will bring an inevitable fall of the current world system. The government structures and religious systems that currently seem all-powerful and unstoppable will soon collapse. They are hollow and rotting in the inside like a large oak tree that suddenly collapses from a storm. The storm is Quickly (capitalization intended) approaching, but the light and power in this storm will ultimately be God's love and truth.

Love and love expressed through spirit-filled music are powerful forces that will overcome the darkness and hopelessness that secularism, humanism, atheism, and their political movements of socialism, Marxism, and technocracy have created. God's spirit is in the process of dissolving the materialism that has expressed itself in a material prosperity gospel, green theology, and all other distractions that move the eyes and heart from the spiritual to the material.

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