本書特色: 1. 擬真的商務情境會話 提供閱讀、對話、文件報告、郵件等多種商務情境會話內容,題材多元豐富,囊括各項商務體裁。並在課前列出商業應用以及多益考試中常出現的重要字彙(Key Words and Phrases),提點該單元必學重要字彙,幫助提升商用英語檢定能力,協助在商務溝通中更加游刃有餘。 2. 實用的商務常用句(Sample Sentences) 彙整與商務主題相關的常用句,涵蓋常用高頻詞彙,並依使用場景、時機做歸納條列,幫助有系統地學習道地的商務表達。 3. 詳盡的商務慣用語及必備商務知識 依據主題,補充商務溝通慣用片語及各類商務背景知識,學完基礎內容後可再進行延伸學習,幫助豐富商業知識,提升商務溝通字彙量。 4. 檢測成效的活動和測驗題(Exercises) 每單元的最後提供與主題相關課堂活動、字彙測驗題、聽力測驗題等,在前面學完商務英語表達後,立即測驗活用,將商務表達融入口說、閱讀及聽力訓練,以達到聽說讀寫全方位的學習成效。 5. 搭配易懂的圖解更好記 適時穿插精美易懂的單字補充圖解,以視覺化呈現幫助秒懂複雜概念,更快理解記憶。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two-Volume Set English for Business Communication 1 English for Business Communication 2
English for Business Communication provides a variety of communication skills and techniques for different business occasions. Each unit deals with a specific theme, helping you focus on one area of business know-how and learn it quickly and thoroughly. The latest edition adds more useful key words and phrases to enhance your business English vocabulary. Also, graphic-design elements and illustrations have been revised in this new edition to make each unit’s structure clearer and its content easier to read.
There are 25 units in this book, with each unit divided into the following sections: - Introductory Description / Lively Conversation Most units begin with an introductory description or lively conversation. Topics include negotiation and persuasion, sales and promoting, communicating and problem-solving at work, and many more. In addition, this section is accompanied by a list of key words and phrases that provides you with all essential vocabulary.
- Sample Sentences Sample Sentences provides additional expressions related to the unit's theme and aims to equip you with a wide range of phrases and sentence structures that may also be useful for business communication.
- Exercises The Exercises section comes at the end of each unit and includes testing elements such as a pair- or group-work practice, vocabulary test, listening test, and others, giving you a chance to review the unit's content and practice any useful language. Additionally, this book provides MP3 audio recordings of the content to help you sharpen your listening skills.