A Slice of Courage Quiche (Paperback)
作者: Jennifer Moorman 
書城編號: 26876448

原價: HK$180.00
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出版社: Univ Of Pennsylvania Pr
出版日期: 2023/09/12
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9781734739503


Real estate agent Tessa Andrews believes she has her life all figured out, organized in meticulously numbered lists to ensure she doesn't make bad decisions. But after eating a breakfast quiche and receiving a skeleton key to a dilapidated mansion, a reckless impulse overtakes her.

When torrential rains flood Mystic Water, Tessa's condo drowns in floodwater. In need of a temporary residence, Tessa moves into an empty apartment above the local diner owned by the Borellis. While trying to help people find lodging while the flood recedes, a client sends Tessa a package containing a tarnished key belonging to a neglected historic mansion that is now on the market, and a whole new set of troubles arises, starting with the return of the Borellis' prodigal son.

Paul Borelli, a travel journalist, shows up unexpectedly in Mystic Water and claims the apartment above the diner where Tessa has been staying. Now in need of another place to live, Tessa's love of historic homes overtakes her logic, and she tosses aside her numbered lists, unloads her savings account, and buys the mansion with the intention to bring the grand beauty back to life.

Nearly everyone doubts Tessa's sanity, but along the way she finds unlikely support in an ancient Cherokee spear, a traveling mint plant, and a journalist on the run from his past. Filled with charm, unexpected twists, and a touch of magic, A Slice of Courage Quiche is an enchanting tale of listening to one's heart, camping indoors, and how acts of kindness can make a meaningful difference.

Jennifer Moorman 作者作品表

The Vanishing of Josephine Reynolds (Paperback)

The Magic All Around (Paperback)

eBook: Magic All Around (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Magic All Around (DRM PDF)

The Baker's Man ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

A Slice of Courage Quiche (Paperback)

The Necessity of Lavender Tea: Mystic Water Series Book 2 (Paperback)

The Baker's Man (Compact Disc)

The Baker's Man (Paperback)

eBook: Baker's Man (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Baker's Man (DRM PDF)

The Baker's Man (MP3 CD)

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