The Alamo (Paperback)
作者: Roxanne Troup 
書城編號: 26888476

原價: HK$100.00
現售: HK$95 節省: HK$5

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出版社: Focus Readers
出版日期: 2023/08/01
重量: 0.09 kg
ISBN: 9781637396704

This fascinating book gives readers a close-up look at the history and importance of the Alamo. The book also includes an "That's Amazing!" special feature, several "Did You Know?" facts, a table of contents, quiz questions, a glossary, additional resources, and an index. This Focus Readers title is at the Beacon level, aligned to reading levels of grades 2-3 and interest levels of grades 3-5.
Roxanne Troup 作者作品表

Wild Hog Hunting (Library Binding)

Deer Hunting (Library Binding)

Duck Hunting (Library Binding)

Elk Hunting (Library Binding)

Pheasant Hunting (Library Binding)

Turkey Hunting (Library Binding)

Reaching for the Stars: A Mission to Space (Hardcover)

Jobs If You Like Sports (Hardcover)

Jobs If You Like Social Media (Hardcover)

The Alamo (Paperback)

Devils Tower (Library Binding)

Devils Tower (Paperback)

The Alamo (Library Binding)

My Grandpa, My Tree, and Me (Hardcover)

The Circulatory System (Library Binding)

Amazing Waterfalls Around the World (Paperback)

Amazing Lakes Around the World (Paperback)

eBook: Amazing Waterfalls Around the World (DRM PDF)

Amazing Waterfalls Around the World (Hardcover)

eBook: Nasty Parasites (DRM PDF)

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