Everyday Watercolor Seashores: A Modern Guide to Painting Shells, Creatures, and Beaches Step by Step (Paperback)
作者: Jenna Rainey 
分類: Painting & art manuals ,
Stationery items  
書城編號: 26889081

原價: HK$240.00
現售: HK$228 節省: HK$12

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出版社: Watson Guptill Pubn
出版日期: 2024/03/05
重量: 0.37 kg
ISBN: 9781984856814

From the Instagram artist behind Everyday Watercolor comes a beautiful step-by-step guide to painting shells, sea creatures, and oceanscapes in her effortlessly modern style.

Jenna Rainey shares a gorgeously illustrated guide to painting a wide range of ocean-inspired subjects, from starfish and whales to beach landscapes and cresting waves. Featuring step-by-step instructions easy enough for beginners and inspiring for hobbyists, Rainey's fresh, contemporary illustrations bring more than thirty-five fishes, shells, sea creatures, corals, beaches, and ocean scenes to life. Everyday Watercolor Seashores is an accessible muse for the next generation of watercolor artists, creatives, and nature lovers alike.

Jenna Rainey 作者作品表

Everyday Watercolor Postcards: 100 Postcards

Everyday Watercolor Seashores: A Modern Guide to Painting Shells, Creatures, and Beaches Step by Step (Paperback)

eBook: Everyday Watercolor Seashores (DRM EPUB)

30 Días de Acuarela: Un Curso de Acuarela En 30 Proyectos (Paperback)

eBook: Everyday Watercolor Flowers (DRM EPUB)

Everyday Watercolor (Paperback)

eBook: Everyday Watercolor (DRM EPUB)

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