Wandering Warrior: Judge (Paperback)
作者: Michael Head 
書城編號: 26894665

原價: HK$180.00
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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2023/08/08
重量: 0.42 kg
ISBN: 9781916729025


A divine quest to deliver justice. One year to accomplish his mission. After nineteen planets, there's something different about this one.

James Holden has reached the maximum level there is for a human. That's perfect, because he's the only one of his kind: a wandering warrior, without control of his destination, tossed between universes by gods who've failed to tell him why. James is the lone Judge on a new world in need of someone to balance the scales. He isn't afraid to do so with extreme prejudice. As the Chief Justice, he has to right the wrongs the innocent can't fix themselves.

As James quickly discovers, the roots of corruption run deep. Guilds choose to protect themselves rather than the people. Monsters roam the wilderness unchecked. Judgment is usually a decision between right and wrong, but nothing is ever that simple. This time, being the strongest human won't be enough to punish the guilty. James might have to recruit some new blood, even if he prefers to work alone.

On his twentieth world, he is going to win, no matter the cost. James will have to find a way to break past the limits of the system if he's going to have a chance at making a difference.

Michael Head 作者作品表

Ciao Ciao Bambino: A Magical Memoir (Hardcover)

Jury (MP3 CD)

Jury (Compact Disc)

Democracy, Protest and the Law: Defending a Democratic Right (Hardcover)

eBook: Democracy, Protest and the Law: Defending a Democratic Right (DRM PDF)

eBook: Democracy, Protest and the Law: Defending a Democratic Right (DRM EPUB)

Jury (Paperback)

Jury (Hardcover)

Judge (MP3 CD)

Judge (Compact Disc)

Wandering Warrior: Judge (Hardcover)

Wandering Warrior: Judge (Paperback)

The Tall Tales of Teddy and Tubbles (Paperback)

eBook: Domestic Military Powers, Law and Human Rights: Calling Out the Armed Forces (DRM PDF)

eBook: Domestic Military Powers, Law and Human Rights: Calling Out the Armed Forces (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Emergency Powers in Theory and Practice: The Long Shadow of Carl Schmitt (DRM PDF)

eBook: Emergency Powers in Theory and Practice: The Long Shadow of Carl Schmitt (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Crimes Against The State: From Treason to Terrorism (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Crimes Against The State: From Treason to Terrorism (DRM PDF)

Administrative Law: 3rd Edition

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