Why I Am an Atheist and Other Works (Paperback)
作者: Bhagat Singh 
書城編號: 26899034

原價: HK$60.00
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出版社: Fingerprint Pub
出版日期: 2022/01/09
ISBN: 9789354405839


" During your last days, you will begin to believe." I said, " No, dear Sir, it shall not be." Bhagat Singh was one of the greatest freedom fighters of the independence of India. He fearlessly led protests and kept on fighting for his nation in the way he thought fit, even if his life was at stake. This fearless quality shone in his writings as well. After he was imprisoned, he put pen to paper and wrote ' Why I Am an Atheist' -- an essay questioning the existence of god-- with complete knowledge of the fact that this was a country filled with people who were generally religious and superstitious. From an essay that explores atheism, heartfelt letters to family, inspirational letters to comrades, to notices sent to court, and even an introduction to a poetical work-- Bhagat Singh' s wide-ranging works, reflections of a cultivated mind, have been put together in this covetable collection.

Bhagat Singh 作者作品表

Why I Am an Atheist and Other Works (Paperback)

Jail Diary (Paperback)

Long Live Revolution!: Essays and Other Works (Paperback)

Meri Jail Diary "मेरी जेल डायरी" Jail Diary of Bhagat Singh Book in Hindi (Pap

Why I Am an Atheist And Other Works Pocket Classics (Paperback)

Main Nastik Kyon Hoon? (Hindi Translation of Why I Am An Atheist?) (Paperback)

Why I am an Atheist and Other Writings (Paperback)

Main Nastik Kyun Hoon (Paperback)

Bhagat Singh Ki Jail Dairy (Paperback)

Why I am an Atheist and Other Works (Marathi) (Hardcover)

Why I am an Atheist and Other Works (Marathi) (Paperback)

eBook: Why I Am An Atheist And Other Works (DRM EPUB)

Why I am an Atheist (Hardcover)

Why I Am an Atheist and Other Works (Paperback)

eBook: Why I am an Atheist (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Jail Diary and Other Writings (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Complete Writings of Bhagat Singh (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Why I am an Atheist (DRM EPUB)

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